Python for psychology experiments
For the fall semester of 2019, I created a Python3/PsychoPy tutorial specifically tailored to students who want to learn to code psychology experiments. When I started learning Python, I was overwhelmed by the number of resources on the Web, and because you can do pretty much anything with Python, finding the psychology experiment-specific tutorials was tricky (however, I can recommend two really good ones, which can be found here and here).
The difference between my tutorial and the ones referenced above, is that I think these tutorials go a bit too in-depth for an introductory course, and perhaps jump into complex coding a little quickly, so if you are brand new to programming, it's easy to get lost. I created my own tutorial using Jupyter Notebooks and Github Pages, which goes through pretty much the barest basics you need to independently code your own experiment in PsychoPy without the Builder. If you've never programmed before, this is the tutorial for you. It starts with learning basic Python syntax and works up to creating stimuli, running the code, collecting responses, and saving the output.
Click the button below to go the the tutorial. This will open up a new window.